The path alternates modest up and downs through cultivated lands and woods, mostly along asphalted roads, until the long uphill stretch that leads you to Vetralla, Pietrara and Vico Martino.After a flat stretch begins the long discent towards the nice village of Capranica and Sutri, little known treasure along the Francigena, with its Amphitheatre, the Mitreo and the nice historic centre.
Water and resting points in Vetralla and Capranica.
© ItinerAria S.r.l. | via al Castello, 8, 13883, Roppolo (BI) | C.F e P.IVA 02343150021 | Capitale Sociale 10.000,00 € Interamente Versato | Iscritta al registro delle imprese Monte Rosa Laghi Piemonte al n. REA BI – 187007