A leg rich in cultural attractions: the crossing of the bridge in Bard, enchanting village dominated by the fort, seat of the Alps museum; but most of all, the entering in Donnas, along the ancient Roman road of Gauls.
Entering in Piedmont, mountains turn into hills, ascents and height differences become less and less challenging. The path alternates carachteristic villages to enjoyable traits through the woods. Do not miss a visit to the historic centre of Ivrea.
The itinerary continues close to the Serra of Ivrea, the biggest European drift, interesting geologic formation that indicates the direction to follow. The road-village of Piverone is beautiful, as well as the enchanting landscapes of the Viverone Lake.
Resting points in Bard, Donnas, Ivrea, Bollengo, Palazzo Canavese, Piverone. Frequent water sources.
© ItinerAria S.r.l. | via al Castello, 8, 13883, Roppolo (BI) | C.F e P.IVA 02343150021 | Capitale Sociale 10.000,00 € Interamente Versato | Iscritta al registro delle imprese Monte Rosa Laghi Piemonte al n. REA BI – 187007