The major attraction of the day is the Roppolo castle, where you can enjoy a nice view on the morenic amphiteatre of Ivrea and on the Viverone Lake, which totally deserves a little deviation from the original path.
After Cavaglià, with a brief deviation, we can visit the Sanctuary of Nostra Signora del Babilone, and reach Santhià along quite countryside roads.
The itinerary runs across the plain of Vercelli, carachterized by many rice fields. It occurs frequently to meet different kinds of bird, attracted by the presence of water sources.
Resting points and water sources in Roppolo And Cavaglià, and Santhià. After this point the great part of the leg runs across countryside roads, and water is not available outside the villages.
© ItinerAria S.r.l. | via al Castello, 8, 13883, Roppolo (BI) | C.F e P.IVA 02343150021 | Capitale Sociale 10.000,00 € Interamente Versato | Iscritta al registro delle imprese Monte Rosa Laghi Piemonte al n. REA BI – 187007