The last part of plain allows us to admire two very interesting religious buildings: the Cistercensial Abbey of Chiaravalle della Colomba, with its enchanting cloister, and the Dome of Fidenza, good example of Romanic in Lombardia, dedicated to San Donnino.
The hilly itinerary offers the first views, and some interesting naturalistic attractions after Medesano, in the last part of the leg, we cycle along the Park of River Taro.
Water is not available outside the villages.
© ItinerAria S.r.l. | via al Castello, 8, 13883, Roppolo (BI) | C.F e P.IVA 02343150021 | Capitale Sociale 10.000,00 € Interamente Versato | Iscritta al registro delle imprese Monte Rosa Laghi Piemonte al n. REA BI – 187007